Monday, July 15, 2019

Top 5 Cybersecurity Lessons for E-commerce Website Administrators

Among all websites, e-commerce websites are most vulnerable to attacks from fraudsters and hackers as they lack adequate security measures. As a result, most of the personal information including price of products, ID, product catalogue along with key financial information about clients could be at a risk.

As a business owner, its essential to protect your assets and also maintain credibility among your customers. This makes it essential to protect e-commerce site and be aware of the cybersecurity threats that may affect your business.

How can E-commerce Websites Stay Safe From Security Threats?

Here we’ve discussed some of the cybersecurity issues that need to be tackled using effective measures to protect your e-commerce website.

-Bots can be Harmful

Bots are designed to behave like fake humans, and they can cheat the system in some form or the other. Even though not all bots may spell a disaster, they are specifically known to target e-commerce sites. As most of these sites carry sensitive information related to customers and financial transactions, they attempt to steal them easily.


Sometimes, what may appear as a good source of traffic for your website could be malicious bots that may harm your website. To ensure the best protection and security for your e-commerce website it’s a good idea to invest in the best bot detection technology. Bot detection technology depends upon different parameters like bounce rate, traffic trend, SEO ranking, server performance, suspicious IP, languages source, etc.

-Have a Strong Password Policy

Most web administrators are responsible for setting credentials for the admin panel on the e-commerce site. They can assist cybercriminals in this way by neglecting the password rules. It’s quite risky to use similar patterns while creating passwords. At the same time, using identical passwords across social profiles can endanger security of the company.


It’s highly recommended to use strong passwords which does not contain any personal details and must have eight or more characters with a mix of special characters, symbols, letters etc. Do not use same password for all your system logins. If you are using same pattern, then it could be risky. Hackers can easily identify the repeated pattern and hack into the system.

-Beware of phishing attacks

With so much information available to hackers via social accounts, they can plan a targeted phishing attack on e-commerce companies. They can search for employee profiles, find out about their position and roles within the company. There are two ways in which they can target e-commerce companies either through personal computer or work computer.


An Extended Validation SSL certificate (EV SSL) can be the best solution in such cases as they are known to be the highest validation type of SSL certificate available in the market. They provide high level of data integrity and encryption and are unique as this certificate on the website and informs the users about the legitimacy of your business. EV SSL Certificate provides assurance to your customers about trustworthiness of your site. Visitors can easily identify the company name on the address bar and save themselves from phishing scams.

-Enhance security of your ecommerce site

Choosing the right e-commerce platform is as important as much as the hosting provider. This must include considering aspects related to security, scalability along with convenience. Additionally, it’s important to secure access to the admin panel by using granular role-based permissions and enforcing strong passwords with high level authentication.


Set up automatic upgrades using security fixes and patches along with special plugins specifically designed to provide additional security. You can also use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)that provides a new layer of security against DDoS attacks. Fraud Prevention Services is yet another high level service that can be used to enhance the security of your e-commerce site which uses the IP address of the user to find out the location and compare it against the location provided in the billing address of the credit card.

-Be Careful While Communicating With a Hosting Provider

Web administrators of companies often need to get in touch with technical support of their hosting provider which can result in a security threat. In case the hackers have compromised on the security of your web hosting provider, there are chances they could target your e-commerce site as well. If your hosting company stores all the credentials in an unencrypted manner, hackers can have instant access to the admin panel.


In such cases, it’s always recommended to have a unique email id and password to log in to your web hosting account. Do not reveal your company credentials on the request of the tech support agents. Always track your communication with tech support by setting up email notifications for tracking requests from team members to find out information that has being shared with the tech support.


Ecommerce vendors and web administrators need to do their best to provide the best security for their website. They need to put in more effort for enhancing security of their system by conducting security audits, staying up to date about security updates.

It’s important for them to train their technical staff and educate them regarding the security rules which they need to follow to safeguard their systems and networks against malicious intruders.

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