Monday, July 15, 2019

5 Examples Of Some Famous Brands User-Generated Content Campaigns

Marketing has evolved a lot. Most of the brands all across the globe are running UGC campaigns in order to market their product in a better way. Social media has become an effective way to collect user-generated content.

Nowadays people don’t trust marketers. People no longer depend upon the paid ads of the brands in order to make their purchase decision. Instead, they believe in the reviews, ratings of the other customers. There are many examples of user-generated website that embed UGC on their websites.

Now, let’s discuss what is user-generated content, why user-generated content and some successful examples of user-generated content.

What Is User-Generated Content?

Any type of content that is created by the user over the internet in order to share their reviews or experience with the brand is known as user-generated content (UGC) or user-created content (UCC). User-generated content can be of any type like photos, videos, testimonials, comments, reviews, etc.

Why User-Generated Content?

1. Cost-Effective

User-generated content is the content that is created by the users of the brand. They are not paid for this by the brands. Hence, UGC is a cost-effective way for brands to collect high-quality, unique, and fresh data. Brands just have to curate user-generated data in a proper manner.

2. Authentic

Nowadays people don't trust marketers. They no longer believe in the ads created by the brands. Instead, they believe in the content created by users like them. User-generated content carries authenticity with itself. It is one of the best ways in modern time that will help you to grow and built as a brand.

3. Higher Engagement

User Generated Content Purchase Influence

According to studies, it is found that user-generated content gets the highest engagement than any other form of content. People love to get engaged with the user-generated content. Embedding user-generated content on the website will definitely help you to get higher engagements and thus boost your SERP rankings.

To get a better idea of user-generated content to let’s discuss some of the successful examples of user-generated content campaigns that helped the brands to grow to a new scale.

Examples Of User-Generated Content

1. Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola UGC

Coca-Cola is of the lading soft-drink brand all across the globe. In the year 2012 in Australia, the marketing team of Coca-Cola came up with the idea of #ShareACoke campaign. Under this campaign, people were asked to share a coke with their loved ones and post their picture on the Internet under the hashtag #ShareACoke.

The campaign was very well accepted by the people and become a hit overnight. This is one of the best examples of user-generated content.

2. Starbucks


In 2014, Starbucks started their #WhiteCupContent. Under this contest, people were asked to draw the white cups and the winner of the content would be selected as a limited edition template of the Starbucks. People actively participated in the contest and more than 4000 cups were submitted in just 3 weeks.


iPhone UGC Campaign

Apple users were ones dissatisfied with the average camera-quality of the shots taken in low light. Apple was quick to spot this mistake and they soon launched their #ShotOnIphone campaign. Under this campaign, people were asked to photos taken in low light.

People actively participated in the content and share their photos under the hashtag #ShotOnIphone. Apple then reposts the user-generated content on Youtube and was able to redeem the trust among its users.

4. BMW

BMW campaign

BMW is one of the leading luxury car brands all across the globe. In order to showcase the achievements of the people, the brand came up with the idea of #BMWRepsot. Under this campaign, the company asked the people to share their photos with the BMW and the company then repost the user's photos on their official social media platforms. This is one of the best user-generated content marketing.

5. Wayfair


Wayfair is one of the leading online furniture stores. The marketing team of Wayfair came up with a really funny idea of #WayfaraAtHome campaign. The company asked the people to share their photos and videos with the Wayfair furniture in their homes.

Wayfair then reposts the UGC on their website along with the regular content. This is one successful example of user-generated content campaigns for the brand and this helped them to boost their sales.

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