Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How to Introduce your Business on Instagram

Instagram Business

Instagram has millions of active followers, and it has an impressive potential to give rise to your business. But the question is; will it be favorable for your new business? Is it worth it to spend your time on Instagram to broadcast your products? Should you traverse the path of introducing your brand through Instagram business account?

The answer to all the above questions is a big yes. Instagram is cardinal for the prosperity of your business. It does not matter whether you are just starting your business, or have been doing it for a long time. Instagram will cater to all your needs and will help you in different aspects of your business.

In this article, I have explained ten ways that can be super prolific for your new business. It’s time to discuss them in detail.

1. Setting up an Instagram Business Account:

Before introducing your business on Instagram, you will have to switch from a regular Instagram account to a business one. The usual Instagram account does not offer various functionalities that are pivotal for your business. However, a business Instagram account provides excellent features to enhance your presence among the followers. Different functionalities of Instagram business account include:
  • Business Bio
  • Frequent Leads
  • Targeted Ads
  • Analyzing the Performance of your Business
  • Contact Button

2. A compelling Bio of your Business

Your main priority is to write a persuasive bio that tells the users precisely what is the central theme of your business. You have a 150 characters word limit on Instagram bio, and you need to stuff it with the following things:
  • Relevant Captions
  • Emojis
  • Description
  • Hashtags

3. Utilize Visualizations

You cannot miss the chance of advertising your new brand with various visual entities such as pictures, gifs, animations, and short videos. Users engage more with the animated posts as compared to text-based posts. Upload attractive and eye-catchy images to glorify the beauty of your brand.

4. Run Targeted ads to show off your Products

Disseminate your products to all the users of Instagram by running promotional ads. It is one of the best ways to boost the popularity of your brand if you have just started it. Your products and services will reach millions of people, and thereby, the chances of engagement will increase.

5. Instagram Stories

This feature is used by all the brands out there because of its uniqueness and time friendly nature. You can post short stories by utilizing various pictures and videos. People like to go through Instagram stories because they are generally entertaining and time-saving. Furthermore, try to add slight humor in your stories to delight your audience.

6. Employ Hashtags

Never forget to insert hashtags whenever you are posting something. If you don’t include hashtags in your posts, then the search engines will not optimize your content. Hashtags are used widely by all social media users to describe their purpose in shorter words. Hashtags also help other brands to find your products conveniently.

7. Post Related Content

Your posts and feeds should be related to the primary products of your brand. Never try to post irrelevant things just to trick the audience. It will have adverse effects on the reputation of your brand, and you might lose the trust of your followers. Always share the information that is directly related to your brand.

8. Timing of the Post Matters

Studies suggest that if you post at an appropriate time, then more people will interact to your content. It is because there are specific occasions when the majority of the users become active, and therefore, they engage with the products more frequently. Schedule a convenient time when the majority of your followers are active, and post the stuff at that time. You will also have more chances of satisfying your followers by answering their question exclusively.

9. Engage with your Community

Start following the brands and communities that are also advertising the stuff in which you are working. Your community will grow dramatically, and you will explore new ideas to diversify your business. Moreover, share the posts of popular brands on your Instagram feed to enhance the interaction of genuine visitors. If you share the posts of other brands on your feed, then other brands may also start tagging you in their posts.

10. Analyze your Growth by comparing it with others

Instagram offers different tools that can be used to evaluate and examine various aspects of popular brands such as user engagement, overall traffic, and the nature of the content. You should be using these techniques to compare the popularity of your brand with your competitors. You can emulate their campaign methods to increase the presence of your brand on Instagram. You can also use Instagram downloader to store the images of different brands to your mobile.

Wrapping it up

I have mentioned all the techniques that have been employed by me. I am curious in knowing your strategies for Instagram marketing. Have you ever utilized this social media giant for advertising your business? Have you ever interacted with the relevant community and tried to convey your message? If so, then tell me your experience of using Instagram below.

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