Friday, July 26, 2019

Five (5) Amazing Social Networks To Boost Your Business

Top 5 social networks

Social media is definitely the future; no one is disputing that fact. We spend hours upon hours with our noses just in front of smartphone and tablet screens, scanning timelines for new posts from celebrities, friends and family alike. Sponsored posts are expertly dotted between the usual content, tailored to a user’s individual likes, follows and subscribes, so any businesses looking for a kick-start to their online advertising campaigns would be hard-pressed to find a better platform than social media. But which social networks are best for advertising? Five of the best have been listed below, to help you make the choice on which is best for your business, and which will help it get the most reach from the right audience.

1. Facebook

Despite a few recent scandals, Facebook has remained on its pedestal of one of the most popular and well-known social networks in the world. Over two billion people log into Facebook regularly every month, and use it to connect with friends and look at pages which they are interested in. As a business, you would be joining sixty-five million other businesses who already use Facebook, and you’d be able to upload almost any type of content: photos, videos, text and livestreams. Whatever type of content your marketing team excels at, you’ll be able to post it on Facebook.

“While Facebook is an amazing social network, you do have to consider a few things before using it for marketing,” David Clausen, a marketer at Draftbeyond and Last Minute Writing, “such as its thriving mobile community. All content will have to be optimized for mobile viewing, or you’ll be alienating a large part of your audience. Also, Facebook has a complex algorithm, so you’ll have to make sure that your content is memorable and gets interacted with - questions and asking for opinions are common options - to make sure that your content doesn’t slip through the algorithm.”

2. Youtube

Going from a social network which works for most content to one which is strictly focused on a singular type of content, Youtube, as you’ll probably know, is all about videos. If your business can create ‘how-tos’ or even ‘feature lists’ for new versions of products, then you can market on Youtube. Users subscribe to channels that they like, and the home page is made up of videos which are related to or from those subscribed channels, so, if your video has the right tags and category, it can get seen by someone who isn’t even subscribed to your business’ channel! However, the SEO can be a little tough to get used to, so expect to have to put a little bit of work into getting it just right.

3. Instagram

Is your business focused on something very ‘aesthetic’, or bright and colorful? Perhaps it’s music-orientated, and you’ve got short video snippets of songs to share? If so, Instagram is perfect for your business. Not only can you share image or video posts (of up to ten pieces of media per post) which will become ‘sponsored’ posts which users see randomly in their timelines, based on what they’ve been ‘liking’ recently, but you can also get in contact with ‘influencers’ (very popular Instagram users) who often work with brands and advertise their content.

4. Sina Weibo

A little out-of-the-ordinary addition to the list, but if your business is trying to focus on China as a market, then Sina Weibo is the social network for you. It is known as the ‘Twitter for China’, since Twitter itself is banned in China, but it will allow you to advertise to the huge population of China through 140-character posts with videos, gifs and images attached. Also, if your account gets verified, you’ll be able to gain the trust of users, making it an amazing social media platform for a niche and usually fairly unreachable audience.

5. Pinterest

“While Pinterest may be known best for wedding plans and prom dress shopping, it is actually a brilliant place to advertise for your business,” Jade Norris, a social media manager at Writinity and Researchpapersuk, “since seventy-eight percent of users (an extremely high percentage in this field) feel that the advertising on Pinterest is relevant and useful.” Take advantage of this receptive and welcoming community, and set up a business account on Pinterest, which might be the ultimate online collection of scrap-books, which contain links directly to your content.

Kristen Quintero is a recruiting consultant at Lucky Assignments and GumEssays. Her expert knowledge of the recruitment process gives her invaluable insight which has allowed her to help others on their journey to finding and securing the job of their dreams.

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