Thursday, April 18, 2019

Simple Guidelines on How to Write an Evaluation Essay

Essay writing

Writing an evaluation essay can seem like a daunting task if you’ve come across this type of work for the first time. However, it isn’t that much different. An evaluation essay is often mistaken for a review. It should be noted that there are some noticeable differences between the two. A review is an author’s opinion on a product, whereas, the judgement provided in an evaluation essay is supported by facts and evidence.

With that being said, let’s get your evaluation essay writing worries out of the way by following a simple guide outlined below:

    1. Carefully Decide Upon a Topic

Since you need to provide a judgement in your evaluation essay that isn’t your personal opinion, you need to decide upon a topic that you are familiar with or can be studied well.

    2. Thesis Statement

This is an integral part of your essay. A well-crafted thesis statement ascertains the main focus of the essay and allows the reader to understand the purpose of your writing. In short, a thesis statement should be unambiguous and should give a clear sense of direction.

   3. The 3 Pillars of Evaluation Essay

  • Determine Criteria: This will define the standards against which the outcome of your writing subject will be compared. Defining set criteria will allow you to write a paper that stays relevant to its purpose. Ensure that the established criteria are relevant to what you are evaluating. For instance, The requirements for a sports team is entirely different than the one set for a video game.
  • Give Judgement: This is where a criterion is used to compare and decide whether the product, service or brand you are writing about meets the expectations or not.
  • Provide Evidence: This is used to support the judgement. Providing conclusive evidence from credible sources is crucial in an evaluation essay to give credibility to the outcome.

Remember an evaluation essay is not about personal opinions. This is the most significant difference between a review and an evaluation essay. These three pillars are the main distinguishing factors and should always be factored in when writing an evaluation essay.

   4. Organise Criteria and Evidence

Before starting with your essay, make a rough draft of your criteria and all the evidence you’ve collected. Doing this allows you to streamline the process of cheap essay writing and prevents you from blanking out during the writing process.

   5. The Layout of Evaluation Essay

An evaluation essay is usually written in a traditional format, i.e. Introduction, Body, Conclusion.

Your introduction will give readers a highlight of your judgement. The body is where criteria are defined in detail, as the subject of your writing is judged against it, and evidence is provided to support your opinion. The conclusion will provide a summary of your writing while emphasising on your judgment.

   6. Proofread

After finishing your essay, make sure to proofread it to eliminate any errors. This is the most significant stage of your essay composition as proofreading helps in elevating the content quality.

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