Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Top 20 HR Questions You Will Face in an HR Interview, Time to Get Hired

HR interview questions

The time has come! As you proceed to the interview venue, you want to stand out from the rest of the candidates. You want to make sure that you are well prepared to face any HR questions. Finding a job is not an easy task due to loads of competition. Here's a list of HR questions which can get you prepared before an HR interview. Sounds great, right?

Well that’s what this article is all about, having said that, find below the most common questions asked by HR during interviews and how you should approach them confidently.

Top 20 HR questions you will face in an HR interview

After you have applied from one of the best job portal websites, you have landed into an interview. I am sure you don’t want to waste this job opportunity. To be a successful candidate, you must be confident, calm and well prepared to face any type of questions by the interviewer. Avoid stress, nervousness and be professional even if it’s your first interview.

Every interview is unique and every HR personnel might ask you different set of questions. That being said, there are some common questions which every jobseeker should prepare. Whether its your first interview or you are a professional.

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Listed below are some common HR questions faced in an interview by a jobseeker. Preparing these questions and doing some research will give you an edge over other candidates, these are:-
  • Tell me about yourself?
  • How much is your work experience?
  • What separates you from other candidates?
  • What other similar jobs and skills you have worked?
  • Do you have any additional skills? 
  • What occasion has had the greatest effect on your life?
  • We saw you have resigned in a short notice, why?
  • We saw you have worked in the previous company for less time, why? 
  • How much you rate yourself for the job?
  • What are your future plans?
  • Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 
  • How would you invest your free energy?
  • What might you say was the greatest day or experience you at any point had?
  • What might you want to enhance about yourself?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Why are you leaving your current organization?
  • How good are your people skills?
  • Why should we hire you for this job?
  • How good are you in taking independent decisions?
  • Have you ever faced a situation where you took a decision independently?

HR Questions: Tips to make an impact in an HR interview

Recruiters are impressed by the candidates who are well prepared for the interview. Thus doing some research is also important. Before you go for the interview, it is also important to know where are you going and what you getting into?

To make it simple, here are the few things you must do before appearing for an interview-
  • Research about the company where you have applied for the job opening.
  • Prepare a good resume with specific information in regards to the job opening.
  • Keep extra copies of all the relevant documents which you might need.
  • Read the job description and job specifications well.
  • Google the job and its requirements to be prepared for any other questions.
  • Sleep well before the interview day, this will keep you fresh.
  • Be well groomed.
  • Dress well and in neat in western formals.
  • Reach the interview place at least 15 minutes before time, this will give you time to calm yourself.
  • Listen to the questions well before answering.
  • Don’t over reach or over answer. Only answer what you are being asked.
  • Maintain a good body language.
  • Smell good. Use a good perfume or a deodorant, just don’t sweat.
Stay confident, be honest to yourself. Its time to show the interviewer that you are well prepared and ready to get hired. If you will follow all the above mentioned pointers, I am sure that you are going to nail the interview and get hired.

For more information about HR interview Questions, career development tips, please visit

Tags: Interview questions for HR position, Most common questions asked by HR during screening interviews, Final interview with HR manager, Interview questions for HR position for freshers, HR interview questions and answers for experienced candidates free pdf, HR interview questions.

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