Tuesday, January 15, 2019

10 Ways To Increase Your Mobile Conversion Rate

Mobile conversion rate optimization

Mobile conversion rate optimization is key for businesses these days. But it's surprising how few digital marketers actually go for a device conversion optimization strategy. This is a huge flaw in reasoning. The majority of browsers on the internet are on mobile devices. If you look at the landing page of your website, it works differently on your phone than on a desktop browser. Since both landing pages are different, conversion optimization for both should be separate. Internet services like Cox packages are more accessible now than ever before. It’s time to position yourself to catch as many mobile customers as possible. We’ll tell you how.

10 Ways To Optimize Mobile Conversion

Mobiles are still a relatively new area in digital marketing. There aren’t enough studies or data to base campaigns on. You have to design differently for mobile than for desktop. On top of that, mobile optimization is evolving constantly. All these things make optimizing for mobile a trickier task. But here are 10 strong ways to optimize the conversions you get from mobile:
  1. Easier Capture Forms
  2. Bigger CTA buttons
  3. Concise Pages
  4. Optimized Media
  5. Contextual CTAs
  6. Minimal Page Elements
  7. AMP
  8. Caching
  9. SSL Certificate
  10. Trust Badges.

Easier Capture Forms

Capture forms are effective when you want information from website visitors. But most visitors are put off by them. Filling out long forms on a desktop browser is annoying enough. A poorly designed form on a mobile device is just plain torture. If you want mobile visitors to fill out your capture forms, you need to make them easier to fill out. Here are three ways you can do this:
  • Make larger fields selectable with a thumb
  • Hitting enter should take the visitor to the next field
  • Returning visitors should have information auto-filled

Bigger CTA Buttons

When your customers hit your CTA button, they convert. Convincing them to do that is a hell of a job in the first place. Imagine if, at the end of it all, your CTA button was too small for your mobile visitors. They’d tap their screens a few times and then give up. You’ll be losing significant conversions just because of one tiny button. Go for a larger Call-to-Action button, around 10mm by 10mm on average.

Concise Pages

Mobile visitors have notoriously small attention spans. If you’re expecting them to read your 1500 word landing page, you need to reconsider. Most mobile users will be on their phones while commuting or at lunch. They won’t spend too much time reading long content pieces. A concise website copy that visitors can skim through is much more useful. Here are a few ways you can do this:
  • Minimum text
  • Bullet points
  • Headers and sub-headers 
  • Highlighting important parts

Optimized Media

Just like you need to consider content for mobile visitors, you also need to consider the media you want to display. A 10-minute video introduction of your company and team is not likely to get much traction. Keep things crisp and short. 2-minute informative videos tend to work much better with mobile users. Use infographics and digestible shots to get your value across to the visitors.

Contextual CTAs

You need to understand how conversion differs on mobile when compared to desktop. Desktop visitors may be looking for information to read and may sign up for your newsletter. Mobile visitors are looking for instant, nearby solutions. So your CTA on mobile should offer instant solutions. Try using click-to-call CTAs to encourage mobile visitors to convert by calling your representatives.

Minimal Page Elements

Slower page loading speeds mean lower conversions. Elements on the page such as buttons and images are often the prime culprits slowing down a mobile website. You need to keep them at a minimum. You can clean your website of text images or stock images. This will not compromise the essence of what your visitor sees. The fewer unnecessary images you have, the higher your conversion rate goes.


If you’re still having trouble with loading times, consider moving to AMP from JavaScript. Accelerated Mobile Pages frameworks mean instant loading of mobile pages. AMP pages load faster using a lightweight coding language that you will be familiar with. AMP can design entire mobile websites with an instant loading experience.


During the time your page loads, the browser and server communicate multiple times. Each time this happens it adds to your page loading time. Caching is one way you can reduce this. It lets your browser remember or store certain recently loaded elements. The more it caches, the less it has to communicate with the server and the faster the page loads.

SSL Certificate

SSL certificates or HTTPS is not only required by Google, but it is also a trust symbol. If your mobile site doesn’t have HTTPS, most likely, people will leave when they see the “Not Secure” label. If you haven’t already, switch to HTTPS as soon as possible.

Trust Badges

Trust is a key factor when it comes to conversions. Trust badges on your website can go a long way to building trust in your prospects. Use them to showcase:
  • High-profile customers
  • Awards
  • Security proof
  • High-value partner brands.
By following the above actionable guidelines, you can easily optimize your mobile site to get the most conversions out of it.

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